Friday, September 13, 2013

About me and interesting Ruby.

Hi, my name is Kangyun Dou. If you read Kangyun fast, it will be like Karen, that's why my english name is Karen.I'm from Shanghai, China. I will be Hawaii for one semester. My major is information system and information management.

Ruby is the programming language I am learning now.  Highly recommend this website called Codecademy It is a great tutoring center and it is interesting for people to understand. Instead of beginning with simple "Hello, world." It really make difference. Easy to sign up and easy to learn.

It is looks like this...many things you can sign up to learn.

Compared to C, C++,VB I have learnt before, Ruby is more like a human talk.  It's like you are typing the real world language we are using now to the computer.  For example ,  we use 'print' to print a line and write between double quotes instead of 'out' in Ruby.  Besides, Ruby was developed in 1995 (younger than me), that's maybe the reason why Ruby is so English-like.

This short video about Ruby is also very interesting:

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